Sunday, September 18, 2011


Helloo everyone! <3 Our internet hasn't been working again... Otherwise I love being here, but seriously how hard can it be to make things work as they're supposed to?? :P Anyways, today they fixed it and hopefully it will last more than couple days this time.
This is another design I made during summer. Very basic, just flowers over sheer shimmer polish, but I loved it! ^^ I did the flowers with my white Kiss nail art polish, and added some silver in the leaves with Golden Rose nail art polish.

I also visited my friend who i hadn't seen literally in years!! :D It was so great to see her again, we had so much to talk about... I also did her nails:

Yeey aren't they cute? ^^
I'll try to update more often, because I have so many designs waiting to be posted here, and I've done lots of new designs and also bought some new gorgeus polishes... ;)

Jälleen yhdet kynnet jotka tein kesällä, aika perus kukkia mutta tykkäsin näistä kovasti! <3 Tein samantyyliset kynnet myös kaverilleni jota kävin moikkaamassa pitkästä aikaa! Oli kiva jutella, varsinkin kun ei oltu oikeesti nähty vuosiin! ^^
Yritän postailla tänne juttuja useammin, mulla on vieläkin monta julkaisematonta juttua kesältä ja täällä tapahtuu koko ajan lisää... :DD Toivottavasti tää netti nyt toimii tällä kertaa vähän kauemmin kuin pari päivää, se nimittäin korjattiin taas tänään kun ei ollut toiminut viikkoon... =_= 


  1. REally beautiful!!
    I love your manis!

  2. This design look sooo pretty~!! These flowers are so neat:D Your friend's nails are super cute too~XD I know it sucks when internet doesn't work:( I'm so looking forward to the next one;p

  3. Molemmat versiot on kauniit:) Toivottavasti teidän netin temppuilut rauhottuis, et pääsette postailemaan:)

  4. rock-or-not: Thank youu!! ^^

    Minnie: Yeey thank youu! Her nails were so cute, it was fun to do something similar but only smaller on her nails! :D I really hope that the internet keeps working from now on, it's been driving us all mad here.. :P

    shiny: Kiitoksia! ^^ Ainakin toistaiseks on toiminut, mutta en uskalla toivoa liikoja... xD Toivottavasti nyt jatkuis samaan malliin. :)

    KarzU: Kiitos! <3

  5. Hi again!! I hope your internet is working fine so far;p I just wanna let you know that I tagged you for the blog award;p Unfortunately I'm not sure about the rules this time:( So I think you can do anything you want with it, like passing it to some people and writing about yourself etc;p I hope you'll enjoy!!
